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Unreal C++ Tutorial – Player Character Series – Punch – Part 5 – Playing Sounds

By Development, Tutorial, Unreal No Comments

Hey guys,

Today we are going start expanding our project by adding in and playing our punch sound.

The topics we are going to cover in the tutorial are:

  • USoundCue – 01:30 – we are going to attach our WAV file to a sound cue and bring that into our code.
  • UAudioComponent – 08:10 – we are then going to tie our sound cue to our audio component to be able to handle playback.
  • Playing sounds – 12:50 – we are going trigger the playing of the sound and adjusting it’s pitch to introduce a bit of variance.

As usual we have our started GitHub project as well as the final version with our sounds implemented.

Additionally here are a few links to do some further reading on the items we discussed:

Thanks for taking a look and we’ll see you next time.

Unreal C++ Tutorial – Player Character Series – Punch – Part 4 – Sounds

By Development, Tool, Tutorial, Unreal No Comments

Hey guys,

Today we are going to start off looking at sounds from the basics of importing them into Unreal to assigning them to our character events and messing around with their various settings.

So to start off here is a short video on some audio basics and the topics we are going to cover in this tutorial are:

For this tutorial there is a GitHub starter project but the only thing it contains is our newly created WAV file.

Additionally here are a number of good resources for free music and sound ( as long as you include the correct copyrights )

As well as a link to a few different Audio Editors:

Thanks for checking this out and tune back for more.

Unreal C++ Tutorial – Player Character Series – Punch – Part 3 – Collision events

By Development, Tutorial, Unreal No Comments

Hey guys,

Today we are going to jump into exploring collision events and continue from our last tutorial.

Now to get our collision events working we are going to go over the following topics:

  • Delegates – 04:00 – delegates allow us to defer logic from specific events to our internal methods based on aligning our method signature with what the delegate expects.
  • OnComponentHit – 05:00 – OnComponentHit provides is with information when a block event occurs between two entities in the world.
  • FHitResult – 15:00 – the FHitResult struct contains a lot of important information not only about the entity we are colliding with but also all the details about the collision, point of impact, various transform vectors, time, distance, etc etc
  • OnComponentBeginOverlap / OnComponentEndOverlap – 18:00 – these are notifications that will fire during the course of our animation playback and trigger specific events on our player character. In our case we are simply going to enable the collisions on our collision boxes.

As usual we have our starter project on GitHub as well as the final version for you to try out. Additionally here are a few links to do some further reading on the items we discussed.

Thanks for taking a look and tune back for more.