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How to disable Oculus VR / Google VR / Steam VR plugins in Unreal Engine

By Development, Tutorial 2 Comments

Hey guys,

This is for all the Unreal devs out there who have a VR headsets and cannot stand the fact that the VR plugins are enabled by default, never fear ! Here is a quick little walk through of how to disable them.

With the Unreal Engine open do the following:

  • Go to Edit -> Plugins
  • Search for “VR” plugins
  • Note all the plugins you want to disable and who makes them


Now open up your file explorer and navigate to:

C:\Program Files\Epic Games\[ENGINE VERSION]\Engine\Plugins\Runtime

NOTE: you will have to repeat this exercise for all the versions of the Unreal Engine you use as they don’t carry over. In my case I had to update 4.21 and 4.20 independently.


Here you will notice all the various plugins that are available to the engine. We are going to look for the folders of the plugins we want to disable, in my case the Oculus one. This can be found under ..\Runtime\Oculus\OculusVR\OculusVR.uplugin

We are going to pop open the *.uplugin file in a text editor and look for the following line: “EnabledByDefault”: true

Change the “true” to a “false“.

Save your file. Restart Unreal Engine and now when you start a new project, BAM no more VR plugins by default.